June 2023 – wildflowers in the Meadow
Finally we have a great display of wildflowers in the meadow with a show of yellow rattle in the area where green hay was spread last summer and an abundance of different wildflowers on the bund where we spread seeds collected from around the parish road verges. This makes the efforts of last year all worth while, so get down to the recreation ground to enjoy the display.
Spring 2023 update – Yet more trees
Another lots of trees have again been donated by the Woodland Trust to allow us to complete the replacement of the trees we lost last summer. This means we have been able to replace all the trees we lost and thanks again to the team who turned up to help with this planting session.
Winter 2022 update – new trees
We have received a new batch of trees from the Woodland Trust and Norfolk Wildlife Trust to allow us to replace the trees we lost during the hot summer months. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the planting of these trees.
Summer 2022 update – Scything in the Meadow
Over the last few weekends, a team of volunteers have been mowing the wildflower meadow, part in preparation for the delivery of a batch of green hay generously donated by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. This will bring some diversity of wildflowers into the meadow and help develop the area into an interesting environment.
This team of volunteers used traditional scything methods to cut the grass which was then raked up again using traditional hay rakes and moved off the meadow.
April 2022 update – Wildflower Bunds
Saturday morning in the Spring sunshine, volunteers preparing the bunds for the wild flower seeds.
The seeds will be spread over the bare patches next Sunday 24th April starting at 0900. Meet in the car park.
November 2021 update – Tree Planting 1
Thank you to all the volunteers who came out in the unfriendly weather to get the Tree Planting off to an excellent start.
The remaining trees have now been planted.
Watch the Burston and Shimpling Community Group or website for updates for further tree planting around the Parish.
July 2021 update – New Fitness Equipment
Things are starting to progress now with the recreation ground scheme and residents visiting the park will now see that the new fitness trail equipment has been erected by the zip wire at the top of the field.
This all-weather equipment includes parallel bars, steps ups and chin lifts all suitable for children over 12 years old, teenagers and adults.
The equipment is set on safety matting so the whole area is safe from falls.
New 7-aside goalposts have been installed and the old rusting goalposts have been removed.
Shortly we shall be marking out the football pitch so we hope that this will give the budding soccer stars a chance to hone their skills.
New park benches and a large picnic bench by the football pitch will be installed next, and in early September we shall be commencing the works on the new all-weather footpath around the field.
The project will conclude in the autumn with the creation of the new wooded areas and the wildflower meadow so keep an eye out for calls for volunteers to help with the planting.
April 2021 – Update
In the first report on the playing field scheme, we set out our plans to re-purpose the area by introducing an all-weather footpath, undertaking major tree planting, creating a wildflower meadow, providing a new 7 aside football pitch and installing additional park benches and a fitness trail facility. This is an extremely ambitious scheme being undertaken by the Parish Council, one which requires both extensive funding and enthusiastic volunteering efforts.
Fortunately, we have now secured nearly 90% of the necessary funding for the scheme from a number of charities which will allow the project to commence in the next few months. The charities who have so generously awarded the parish council funding for this project are the Norfolk County Council’s Parish Partnership Scheme for new public footpaths, the National Lottery for the footpath, benches, goal posts and fitness trail equipment, Saffron Housing Trust for benches and fitness trail equipment, The Geoffrey Watling Charity also for the footpath works. We, the parish council, are extremely grateful to these organisations for these funding awards which demonstrate how much these charities value communities and initiatives to improve the wellbeing of community residents.
The first action in our re-purposing scheme will be to commence the installation of the all-weather footpath around the playing field as shown on the accompanying plan, this will take a few weeks to be completed during which we plan to create the new 7 aside football pitch and start to install new benches. The fitness trail equipment will follow on behind the footpath works which will provide year-round access so that using this equipment can be an everyday activity. Finally, later in the year we shall undertake the major tree planting works within the field and create the wildflower meadow area.
At various stages as circumstances allow, we plan to hold publicity events whereby as many residents of all ages will be encouraged to participate in the creation of this new facility in the centre of Burston. Please look out for dates on the website for when these events are planned.
Once again thanks to all the charities that have so far contributed to this scheme and to the efforts of the working group, the support of the parish council and encouragement of many residents.
Please send feedback and comments to Keith@burstonandshimpling.org.uk