Litter Pick – Spring 2023


Spring Litter Pick 2023

The Burston & Shimpling spring litter pick took place on Saturday 22nd April and once again the event took place on a bright, sunny morning.

Thank you to the regular band of volunteers: Alison, Tim, Nigel, Lyn,  Keith, Andrew, Amanda, Sue, Eileen, Jasmin, Pete, Suzi, Fausto and new villagers, James & Nicki, Ralph & Terri as well as Toby, Beth and Norah joined us. Between them, a considerable amount of litter was bagged up and left on Church Green which was collected by the council on Monday morning. The volunteers enjoyed hot drinks and cake after their busy morning clearing up after thoughtless litter louts. No sausage rolls this time- but promised for our Autumn clean up in October!

Thank you to ForFarmers drivers who took great care on their trips to the Mill that morning. Thank you also to the BMX track users who clearly take great pride in keeping their area of the Recreation Field tidy.

 No unusual items to report this time just an abundance of plastic cider bottles and glass wine bottles that have been discarded particularly, though not exclusively, along Moor Road in Shimpling. A special thanks to Andrew who managed to remove the vinyl flooring from the ditch in front of the Recreation Ground, something the council clean up gang were unable to manage last year when advised of the fly tipping.

Many of you keep your own frontage, curbside or Close free from litter on a regular basis and litter pick when out for a walk. For this the Parish Council is extremely grateful. It makes Burston and Shimpling a pleasant place to live. If you notice any fly tipping please report it directly on the South Norfolk and Broadlands website.

For those of you who are new to the village this event, organised by the Parish Council, is a good way to make links with other villagers and contribute to village life so look out for the next villages Litter Pick date in the Parish Planet and come along next time.

Thanks again,


Angela Belgrove Email:
Litter Pick Organiser
Burston & Shimpling Parish Council.


Thank you for your valued support.