Event – Spring Litter Pick

Spring Litter Pick

A fantastic turnout for the April litter pick ensured that all areas within the village were given a Spring spruce up. Large amounts of rubbish were collected along the boundary roads which always seem to attract food wrappers, wine and other alcoholic drink bottles although notably some were made of plastic rather than glass. Glass bottles are a dreadful hazard because when the verges are mowed they often shatter sending glass splinters into the road or embedding them into the verge itself causing a hazard for dogs, horses and walkers. Several full tins of paint were discarded by Shimpling BOAT. Did you know that once paint has dried out you can put the cans into your general waste bin? Add something absorbent like cat litter or sawdust, wait till the paint has thoroughly dried then bin it. Saves you waiting until one of the ‘amnesty days’.

After collecting up the litter volunteers enjoyed hot sausage rolls, cake, and drinks whilst having a chance to catch up or become acquainted with other villagers. The many bags of waste will be collected from Church Green in the next few days.

Thank you also to people who regularly pick up litter on their walks, take it home and bin it. Please be assured you efforts are recognised as being equally important and keep our paths and shared spaces tidy in between the litter pick events.

The next organised litter pick will be in October, please look out for the notices around Burston and Shimpling informing you of the date and in the intervening period remember to report any fly tipping directly to South Norfolk  & Broadland Council using their online form. (They define fly tipping as anything larger than a black plastic bin bag full of waste.)

Thank you very much all volunteers, adults and children alike. Without you giving up your time our villages would not be as well-kept and tidy as we would like them to be.